Why should we save the whales, or any other animal for that matter?
Why do we have to spend millions of dollars and risk a lot of human life
just to save Snowflake, Ice, and Icehole?
This project not only exercises your creativity in designing a rescue
Plan, but more importantly, gives you another perspective, another way
of looking at the things that are happening around you.
Snowflake, Ice, and Icehole, are three whales who were helped by man
to get to freedom. Unfortunately, hundreds of whales die every year
because of man. They get tangled in fishing nets, are hunted, or get hit
by a boat's rotor blade. How can we save them? How can we share
their home and live side by side and not as hunter and hunted?
This activity also aims to educate you on the life of the whale. At
completion, you should be familiar with the many whale species and
knowledgeable about the California Gray Whale.